Almost 18 years ago we installed a sound system at Pet Camp’s Main Campground. We purchased a used McIntosh Amp (which is still working), put in about 10 pairs of speakers around the building and started playing music. Lisa, who was the person sleeping here at night back then, thought we were insane spending all this money to have speakers hung all over the place, and 15 years ago this meant running speaker wire all over the place! After her first night here with music playing, she was shocked at how relaxed and quite the place was; she was convinced that music helped calm the dogs.
We’ve all heard the adage “music sooths the savage beast” and there have been studies confirming this at various veterinary schools around the country. Last week the folks at the Scottish SPCA and the University of Glasgow published a paper that both confirmed the prior studies and went on to suggest the type of music that dogs prefer. Now as much as we hoped that these folks would have suggested bagpipes as the only music to play at doggie day care or other pet care facilities, they only tested soft rock, Motown, pop, reggae and classical music. And the music that helped the
dogs relax the most was reggae and soft rock! But while Bob Marley might be the number one soother (it actually feels weird to even type that), they do admit that, just like people, the dogs did seem to have their own individual preferences! So fret not if your camper has more eclectic musical taste than our friends from Scotland; while Pet Camp will add in a little reggae and soft rock to our musical repertoire, there is no way one study is going to get Mark to give up on playing Bruce Springsteen.
So come clean, does your dog or cat have a favorite type of music? What about a particular song?
Thanks for reading (and listening?).