Kiss the Kat and Smooth the Pooch!

The Pet Camp kissing booth is up and ready for action! Sure you can grab a quickie anywhere, but the Pet Camp kissing booth is so much more than a place for a little PDA; this year it’s a place to raise some serious cash for pets needing veterinary care! Here’s the deal:

  • Between February 6th and 14th you get your picture taken with your camper in the Pet Camp kissing booth.
  • You make a donation of up to $5.00 to San Francisco Aid for Animals and Pet Camp will match the donation (that’s up to $10.00 for an amazing cause)!
  • We post your picture on Facebook, and when you share it with all your Facebook friends we’ll make an additional $1.00 donation.

But wait, there’s more! For just $5.00 more you can take home a framed picture of you and your camper being, shall we say, indiscrete.

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