Yikes, Social Gatherings Are Back – What’s a Dog to Do?

It’s official!  In San Francisco you can now see people you don’t live with! Bring on the neighborhood gatherings, maybe a backyard BBQ or a picnic in the park (you did notice these are all outdoor events didn’t you?). Sounds great – even amazing after a year of seeing the same 4 people. But what about your dog?

Dogs with Pet Camp counselorIs your dog ready to socialize?
If you’ve been a responsible pet parent this past year, you probably limited the number of people and dogs with whom your dog socialized. Maybe you did a dog park every now and again or went to McLaren Park or Fort Funston for a walk on the weekend, but how much real socialization did your dog do? Hey, we get it. It’s been a hard year to be social and if Zoom happy hours don’t make it as a social event for you, just imagine how your dog feels about it.

How to safely introduce your dog back to social activities?
So, before you have your dog jump back into things with all four paws, it might be worth having your dog spend a few days (or even more) regaining his or her social skills and confidence by hanging out with the dogs at Pet Camp. Instead of just throwing your dog back into the doggie socialization mosh pit, a few days of doggie day care might be in order. Giving your dog the opportunity to play with dogs of similar size or socialization skills will allow your dog to remember how to read dog body language and social cues, all under the watchful eye of a Pet Care counselor. Have a dog that (how do we say this nicely) might benefit from some remedial work? Our Canine Enrichment program allows us to set up specially curated play opportunities for dogs that need more than a refresher course in dog socialization.

No matter where your dog falls on the dog socialization refresher needs spectrum, Pet Camp has the perfect answer for your dog.
Thanks for reading.

If you are a San Francisco pet parent in the need of dog training, doggie day care or overnight care for your dog or cat, we would be honored to see how Pet Camp can help.  As San Francisco’s most award wining pet care facility, we pride ourselves on proving solutions to your pet care needs.

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