Time to Travel to the National Parks. Can your dog come?

The United States is reopening after our Covid-19 slumber and it’s time to travel once again. Unfortunately, much of the world has not been as fortunate as we have been in the roll out of vaccines, so your travel plans for the summer might be restricted to the United States (not that it’s a bad thing).

Is traveling to the National Parks with my dog a good idea?

Fort Funston
Perhaps your plans include a visit to one of our amazing National Parks. If so, you might be thinking, “It’s a national park, just like Fort Funston is, might as well bring the dog.” Well, first, Fort Funston is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area; it is not part of a national park. Second, as cool as the idea of your dog meeting some nice Bison or walking alongside you as you watch the sunrise over the North Rim of the Grand Canyon is – think again.

Unlike Fort Funston where dogs can romp off leash, the National Parks have strict rules about dogs. Moreover, in addition to the general rules about dogs in National Parks, each park has its own individual rules about what is permitted. All of this means that planning is essential and travel is more complicated (and in this Covid-19 world, travel is already plenty complicated) and potentially a lot less fun for both you and your dog.

Pick a travel destination designed for your dog.

So, while we get that taking your dog to visit a National Park might initially seem like a great idea if after a bit of research you might decide that bringing your dog comes with too many restrictions we have a solution.  Your dog can still go to a National Park at Pet Camp! We have campsites in Bryce, Channel Islands, Denali, Everglades, Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, Lassen, Mount Rainier, Presidio, Shenandoah, Yosemite, and Zion. Unlike a visit to the other National Parks, when your dog camps at Pet Camp, everything is designed for your dog’s fun.
Thanks for reading.

Unlike the amazing National Parks, everything at Pet Camp was designed with your cat or dog in mind.  If you are a San Francisco pet parent in need of doggie day care or overnight care for your dog or cat, check out our huge dog play areas and our amazing Safari Solarium.

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