What Is Wrong With America?

We’re in full election mode and if you listen long enough (like a minute or two), one candidate or another will give you a long list of our country’s ailments and what they can do to fix them. But the one issue we’ve not heard discussed is that pet ownership has declined 2.4% in the United States from 2006 -2011.

Clearly this is not a Republican or Democratic issue (we seem to recall that we’ve had both Republican and Democrats in charge since 2006) – but it sure is a Pet Camp issue! Frankly, and we don’t say this lightly, we are very disappointed in our fellow Americans.

According to data collected by the American Veterinary Medical Association there has been a 1.9% decrease in households with dogs and a 6.2% decrease in households with cats in the last five years. This is a shocking development and has economic (just ask us), health (who isn’t healthier with a pet?), and home security (ok, maybe not if your household dog is a Newfie) implications for our great nation.

We call on both President Obama and Governor Romney to give this issue the attention it deserves! Enough debating about who knows what for 90 minutes rambling on and on (hey, sort of like this blog).  Talk about the stuff we care about — our pets and what you will do to make sure that there is a dog or cat in every American household. We are Pet Camp and we approved this message.

Thanks for reading!

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