Shelter in Place – Pet Camp Week Two Update

Here’s a quick update on how week two went at Pet Camp:

Dogs & Cats – still amazing.
Mark’s back & knees – considerably less so
The campers, managers, and our clients have been, in a word, remarkable. We are beyond proud to still be open and providing overnight care for the pets of those already addressing health issues or out of town assisting loved ones battling this crisis. Every day we are providing day care for those off to San Francisco General Hospital, the Veteran’s Administration Hospital, and even to the South East Water Treatment Facility (you are still flushing the toilet, aren’t you?). We are proud to be doing our very small part to enable these folks to do a much larger part in keeping San Franciscans healthy and our City functioning. Next time you are in the lobby, please take a moment to thank Ruthy, Jessica, and Michelle who are working longer days and performing tasks that they might not have done in years, or ever before.

We (or perhaps at least I) also need to thank all of you for your amazing support of Pet Camp. Last week, we announced that we were selling Pet Camp Bonds (which, let’s face it, is just our way of selling discounted gift cards) and the response has been overwhelming. Sure, many have purchased Pet Camp Bonds, but equally important, even more have written to express how much Pet Camp means to them and their pets. To be honest, we did get an email from someone accusing us of being “tacky.” If you too felt this effort was tacky, we apologize. We were simply trying to do the gift card thing with a Pet Camp twist.

So, what does the future bring? Like you, we’ve got no idea. We very much hope that this shelter in place and the massive disruption it has caused to lives and the economy of our City and beyond proves to be successful in flattening the curve. Mayor Breed just extended the shelter in place until the end of April. We very much hope that this is the only extension so that things can get back to normal in San Francisco – as if anything in San Francisco is normal. In any event, we will be here for as long as this lasts or for as long as my knees and back last – whichever is sooner.
Thanks for reading.

Pet Camp has been providing award wining care for dogs and cats since 1997. If you are a San Francisco Bay Area pet parent in need of doggie day care, overnight care for your dog or cat, training, bathing or pet transportation please give us a call. New campers get 50% off their first 3 days

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