San Francisco Is Re-Opening: Is Your Dog Ready?

Finally, after months of learning which color means what: When we can go back inside for dinner? How many people from how many households can sit a table outside? How many people can safely go into Pacific Bell Park (Oracle Park to you newbies) for Opening Day baseball?– the time has come for San Francisco to gradually re-open. After a year at home, is your dog ready?

Re-introducing your dog to the world can be challenging. There will be all sorts of stimuli that both of you have missed for over a year. From hanging out at a café to, dare I say it, grabbing a beer at your favorite dive bar, just like you’re out of practice, so is your dog. You might be confident about your ability to jump back into things, but how about your dog?

How to re-introduce my dog to the world after the Covid-19 pandemic? Dog training.

If you’ve let dog training slip this past year (perhaps with a list of other things you’ve let slip), we are here to lend you a hand. Our Canine Cadets Level 1 and 2 are structured training programs focused on 12 (6 each) skills.

Camper Cadet Level 1 focuses on:

  • Sit
  • Down
  • Name recognition
  • Touch
  • Find it
  • Introduction to loose leash walking

Camper Cadet Level 2 addresses: 

  • Drop it/take it
  • Leave it
  • Stay
  • Recall
  • Intermediate loose leash walking
  • Polite human greetings

Dog training & Canine Good Citizen certificate

Need something more customizable? Our Canine Enrichment Program is designed to address whatever specific needs your dog is confronting. For training, socialization, or more advanced urban manners, our Canine Enrichment Program is perfect for both “tune-ups” and more precise needs.

Is your dog the type that likes a certificate to go along with training? Pet Camp now offers the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen program. CGC (as the cool kids call it) is perfect for the urban dog that will be out and about, meeting new people, perhaps waiting patiently while you grab an adult beverage, and, of course, not embarrassing you while walking down the street.

No matter what training your dog needs this spring, Pet Camp has the dog training assortment to get your dog ready for post-Covid 19 San Francisco.
Thanks for reading.

If you are a pet parent with a pandemic pup, a Covid kitty, or another dog or cat and need pet care: overnight/boarding/lodging care for your dog or cat, doggie day care, dog training, pet transportation or bathing (sorry, we don’t offer full grooming services at Pet Camp) please reach out to a counselor.

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