Of Dogs, Kids and Cars

At our annual pilgrimage to the San Francisco Auto Show we usually spend a lot of time looking at the cars we’ll never actually own (unless one of you kind readers wants to make a donation) and don’t focus too much on the cars we could actually afford and that might be a reasonable choice for our family.

This year was different. After 14 years of driving my Chevy Tahoe I’m really itching for a new car. Now don’t get me wrong, the Tahoe has treated me well and been a fine car. I was even once on Car Talk with Tom and Ray and their guest, Martha Stewart  asking about how to get dog drool off the windows and rid it of that wonderful dog smell.  Just thinking about me and Martha having a conversation still makes me quiver.

Anyway, at the Auto Show  I saw nice smaller cars – the Subaru Outback, the Chevy Sonic, the Mini Clubman and a bunch of others. Sadly, every time I found a car that was going to be easier to park and get good gas millage I heard the same chorus: “But where will Splash sit? We won’t be able to fit two hockey bags in the back!”

Frankly I think those kids are wrong (but they do out number me 4 to 1) – I know there must be a car out there that will fit me, a newfie and a hockey bag or two that I can still park in San Francisco. I just need some help in finding it – any good suggestions?

Thanks for reading!

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