Bruno Blog — Rehoming a Dog, Week 3.5

Bruno Blog – Week 3.5 (written by Quinn)

When I first met him in the Savannah at Pet Camp he was kind of nervous, and after 5-10 minutes I was giving him a big belly rub. After that, whenever I would see him, he would get pretty excited. The second time I met him, 6 days later, he was still pretty nervous, but not around my dad or anyone else who sees him more frequently, but he warmed up slightly quicker than the first time I met him. After that visit, Bruno was just showing that he is a sweet dog that wants to find his person. So now I’m giving him treats, playing with him and stopping by to say hi to him.
I think that anyone who has the willingness to get to know him, someone who will be active with him after his leg gets stronger and someone who can love him for the great dog that he is will do great with Bruno, and if you meet him I’m sure you’d agree.

That’s Bruno from a 13 year old’s perspective.

Bruno Blog – Week 3.5 (not written by Quinn)

Ok, we missed a week of updating you on Bruno and our efforts to rehome this loving dog — frankly, that’s because there wasn’t much new news. He is getting stronger every day. Sometimes he still favors his leg, but it looks like that’s more because he just got used to not using it and not because it bothers him. We are up to 15 range-of-motion exercises 3 times a day and 2 ten-minute leash walks a day. He allows anyone to walk him around, pet him, or rub his belly — apparently this includes 13 year olds. We started him on swimming to get him to use his surgically repaired hip more and it went about as well as can be expected the first time or two — not very well at all! But even doing this (which he wasn’t thrilled about) he was relaxed and gentle — a true gentleman of a dog.

So it’s pretty clear to us that Bruno is a great dog and we now have the teenager stamp of approval. We know that making the decision to rehome a dog into your house is complicated, but this guy really deserves second chance.  If you have room in your heart and your house (or apartment or condo) and you are interested in adopting Bruno, give us a call and we’ll start the process of uniting you and your new dog!

Thanks for reading!

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