Why Daycare Matters

You’ve seen the eye rolls and heard the comments from friends when you mention that your dog goes to doggie day care every day. They all but come out and say, “Are you crazy!?” but since they’re good friends they bite their tongues and just snicker when you’re out of ear shot.   Sure, some of these friends are the same people who put their two-legged kid on a wait list for that “special” human day care facility before they even had a kid, but you sending your furry child to day care is a no-no. Let’s compare 5 reasons human kids go to day care with reasons for dogs going to doggie day care:

Source: The Pooch Coach

So let them roll their eyes, snicker and who knows what else; at least you don’t have to start a college savings plan for your dog, and after a long day of day of work your dog is happy to see you and never complains about their day.

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