Time for Paw-Ternity Leave in San Francisco

As a small business in San Francisco it’s pretty easy to get overwhelmed by the list of benefits mandated by our Board of Supervisors and Mayor: from required paid time off (for even part time counselors) and health care (again, even for part time counselors), to a minimum wage in San Francisco that is 30% more than what our competitors pay a mere 10 miles away (and people wonder why toast cost $5.00!).  All-in-all, San Francisco doesn’t make it easy to run a small business.  But wait, we say, there’s more San Francisco can do! We are calling on San Francisco to require Paw-Ternity leave!  That’s right, if a business in Columbus Ohio, of all places, is offering paw-ternity leave it’s time for San Francisco to mandate it!  Don’t believe us?  Check it out:


We know that San Francisco can never let a good idea from one employer not become a mandated requirement for all.  We also know that San Francisco always wants to promote good public policy when it comes to pet parenting.  This is the perfect opportunity for San Francisco to really show the world how much it loves its pets!  In a City where it is reported that there are more dogs than kids this only makes sense!  Maternity and paternity leave is simply a waste here; but paw-ternity leave will actually get used!

Join us in demanding that San Francisco require all businesses provide 1 week of paid paw-ternity leave to everyone who gets a dog or cat!
Thanks for reading.

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