Rent a Pet at a Strip Mall Near You

I take Splash, my Newfie, with me everywhere I go – which includes several bars in both San Francisco and Oakland. Splash is an attention getter, so much so that I am often asked if I can lend her out to those who are looking to attract a little attention and start a few conversations.   I usually jokingly say that they are welcome to rent her for a few hours.  She’s the Pet Camp equivalent of an online dating service.

Well, looks like I’ve missed the boat again on my next business idea. Turns out that Dr. Scott Campbell, the veterinarian who brought Banfield Pet Clinics to Petsmart has brought renting a pet to a strip mall near you. While I was willing to just rent out Splash for a few hours to help a buddy’s social life, Dr. Campbell has started “Hannah the Pet Society” where you can rent a pet for as long as you want! That’s right, now you don’t have to own your pet – or commit to being a pet parent for life – you can rent your pet for a low down payment and then a monthly lease that includes food and veterinary care (only if it’s performed at a Hannah clinic). But wait there’s more, the Hannah the Pet Society even has a match making software so that the commitment-phobe prospective pet parent can be matched to the perfect pet (back to that online dating thing again).

Dr. Campbell has set up Hannah the Pet Society as a nonprofit. He is promoting this as a new way for people who want a pet to have one without the “burdens” of ownership, or the fear that costs will get in the way, or even that your pet might outlive you. Sure, these are concerns when you’re a pet parent – but these are pets, not some luxury car that you can lease for 36 months and then return for a newer one.

So, what do you think? Are you ready for that pet on a lease or do you like being a more permanent pet parent?

Thanks for reading!

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