Dog Training Saves Lives

Recently we hosted two 10-month old Rottweiler puppies, Carmine and Vincent, from San Francisco Animal Care and Control for a week of lodging and training. These two very cute (but rambunctious) puppies had not passed the adoption test because they were too difficult to manage.Sadly, failure to pass the adoption test often means that the dog will be euthanized. After just one week (ok,  Vincent needed a few extra days) of working with the Pet Camp counselors in our Camper Cadet dog training program these puppies can now sit, down, look, leave it, and walk nicely on a leash! They were returned to the shelter ready to be adopted out.  Even before we were able to post this blog BOTH Carmine and Vincent have found new forever homes!

Since Carmine and Vincent participated in Camper Cadets, four other dogs who initially failed their adoption screening have been to Pet Camp for a week of socialization and training.  We are proud to announce that EVERY ONE of them passed their adoption screening when they returned to Animal Care and Control!!  We really try to stay away from hyperbole when writing, but there are times when it’s appropriate – and frankly this is one of those times – way to go Pet Camp counselors!  Pet Camp’s Camper Cadet program is saving lives.

Thanks for reading!

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