Pet Camp Blog

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dogs with dry skin

Why Does My Dog’s Skin Get Dry in the Winter and What Can I Do To Fix It?

February 12, 2024

As winter sets in and temperatures drop, many pet owners notice a common issue affecting their furry companions: dry skin. Just like humans, dogs can suffer from dry, itchy skin during the colder months, leading to discomfort and potential health concerns if left untreated. Understanding the causes of winter dry skin in dogs and implementing…

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dogs on playyard

Are Pandemic Pups Now Dangerous Dogs?

February 6, 2024

A recent article on the web (so you know it’s got to be true) asserted that an alarming uptick in Californians visiting emergency rooms due to dog bites is due to the maturation of pandemic pups into dangerous dogs. The article notes a significant rise in the number of such visits post-pandemic (70%) and, while…

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Campy with the Pet Camp Express van

Taking Canine Enrichment to the Next Level – Pet Camp’s Ranger Station

December 18, 2023

Curious about Canine Enrichment? Want to know what our Ranger Station is all about? Check out last week’s OverDog Digital Marketing Podcast as Fern (AKA Fernando Camacho) interviews Mark about his thoughts about pet care, canine enrichment, and the Ranger Station.  Hear why Fern thinks the Ranger Station is taking canine enrichment to the next…

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Selective City Enforcement Harms Small Businesses

October 3, 2023

The other week one of Pet Camp’s vehicles could not be started at the end of the day.  After struggling for a bit, the counselors left it on the street (parked nicely along the curb) overnight.  This vehicle, the old school bus we will use to move dogs between the Main Campground and the Ranger…

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6' leather leash

What is the Best Leash Length for Dog Training?

September 27, 2023

With the Ranger Station up and running, and our associated ability to do more dog training and enrichment at Pet Camp, we are receiving more dog training questions than ever. One of the most common questions we get is, “what’s the best leash length for dog training?” As with much of dog training, there is…

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Stevie Hoodia at Pet Camp in San Francisco

What Pet Camp Means To Me: Stevie Hoodja

September 13, 2023

As the Ranger Station launched its soft opening the other week, I have been reflecting on what I have done at Pet Camp the past year, and it’s been unlike anything I expected and more than I could hope for. This time last year, I was an eager 22-year-old recent graduate with a Bachelor of…

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