How to Avoid Travel Headaches With Your Pet?

Summer travel is back and so is summer travel trauma! Summer travel is never easy and this summer it is simply bound to be worse. Here is some simple advice: leave your camper at Pet Camp and take five things off the summer travel trauma worry list.

Extra Pet Fees

Sure, the hotel you booked said it was “Pet Friendly,” which every pet parent knows really means “Pet Tolerant.” These hotels were designed for humans and operate almost exclusively focused on humans. They might let your pet into the hotel – but are they really excited about it? Probably not if they are tacking on extra deposits and extra cleaning fees.
And what about the added cost of getting your pet to your destination? Are you flying? Cha-ching! Airlines have limited the number and size of pets allowed to fly in the cabin and charge a hefty fee to “check” a pet as luggage. “But I’m driving,” you say. Don’t forget about that old adage “time is money” as you stop every few hours at a rest stop for a potty break.

Weight-Breed Limits

We hate to say this, but not everyone loves every camper as much as we do. There are places out there that have breed and weight restrictions: no “bully breeds,” no dogs over 50 pounds, no this and no that! Sometimes, even if a hotel, train, or plane will take your moderate sized dog, they’ll charge you more (and sometimes a lot more). We say phooey on all of that. At Pet Camp every breed is welcome, and we never discriminate based on the size of your camper.

Behavior Bothers

Vacations can be stressful. Different places, different rules, all sorts of signs (none of which your camper can read) saying all sorts of things. No touching, no sniffing, no barking, no pooping, no peeing – what’s a dog to do? Add to this a dog’s discomfort of having to behave at all the restaurants you’ll be eating at or having to wait outside the swank shops you’ll be visiting. It’s a lot to ask of your camper.

Weather Worries

You may be surprised to know that not every place is as temperate as San Francisco – shocking, we know! There are places you might be going this summer that are too hot for your camper (you do know that summer is supposed to be hot). There are also places that have thunder and lightning (very, very frightening). Your camper is meant to stay in San Francisco where the weather is almost always camper cozy and none of that very, very frightening stuff happens. One more thing: many airlines won’t let a dog travel during the summer months because it gets too hot when the plane is not flying and almost all of them only allow dogs on non-stop flights (if at all during the summer) and never to warm locations.

Packing Panics

It’s hard enough to pack for yourself and especially for those human kids. Packing for your camper is just too much!

  • Carrier/Crate
  • Bed/Blankets
  • Cat litter (it’s heavy, by the way)
  • Litter Box (imagine how great that is going to smell in your car)
  • Food
  • Bowls

Where is all this stuff going to go? Just leave it at home. We’ve got it all covered at Pet Camp.
There you go, in a mere 575 words or so we’ve solved 5 of your summer travel headaches! Don’t thank us here – we’ll see you at the Main Campground or Cat Safari soon.
Thanks for reading.

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