Enroll in our NEW Kitty Kindergarten Program!

It’s almost kitten season! We love kittens at Pet Camp (really, who doesn’t). Pet Camp Cat Safari is the purrfect place for your kitten – full of all the things your kitten loves! Wide window sills to soak up the sun, lots of things to play with and the amazing Safari Solarium to explore. But we know that there’s more than just fun to being a kitten (though don’t tell that to your kitten).

Just like a new puppy, a new kitten has special needs and there are steps you can take early in your kitten’s life that will set him or her up for long term success.  Ishai, Pet Camp’s “The Cat Man,” has developed Kitten Kindergarten to meet your kitten’s needs. Our new Kitten Kindergarten includes a daily brushing (so your cat gets used to the experience), special games that encourage your cat to learn good play habits such as pounce, grab and hunt, time in the Safari Solarium to develop confidence while exploring and climbing, and a nail trim before departure.  Combining Kitten Kindergarten with your kitten’s stay at Pet Camp Cat Safari will set your kitten up for success now and in college (you did start saving for college, didn’t you?).  Kitten Kindergarten is available for all cats under 1 years old. We are pleased to be able to offer this amazing-hands on experience for your kitten for only $55 a day (a 2 day minimum is required for proper kindergarten education). Introduce healthy, safe, and fun behaviors to your kitten early on, so you can set both you and your kitten up for long-term health and happiness!

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