Doggie Day Care Density – Pet Camp vs. Other Dog Daycare Facilities.

How to pick the right doggie daycare facility in San Francisco?

happy doggies in Savannah
Pet Camp is not the largest doggie day care facility in San Francisco. There is one doggie day care facility that has more physical space than Pet Camp and there are a few doggie day care facilities that accept more dogs for day care than Pet Camp. Honestly, that’s just fine with us – but it may not be fine for your dog. Here’s why.

Dogs need room to play – no shock there. There are, sadly, some doggie day care facilities in the San Francisco Bay Area that have decided that more dogs are better no matter what. If you’ve toured some pet care locations, you may have seen them: dogs packed into small indoor play areas or dogs of all shapes and sizes shuffling around on a concrete floor. If you visit Pet Camp you would see none of this!

What’s the ideal play space and group for my dog? Hint: what your dog prefers.

At Pet Camp we have over 20,000 square feet of play space – that’s the actual area for the dogs to play. This space doesn’t include office areas, private campsites where the dogs sleep at nights, human bathrooms (it does include areas where the dogs might go to the bathroom), etc. None of our dogs play on concrete – they get to play on custom installed artificial turf or on natural surfaces. Yes, our Meadow is “indoors,” but it’s under a glass retractable roof so it gets way more fresh air and natural light than any other “indoor” play area you’ll find around San Francisco.

happy puppies in MeadowWe also think that dogs need to play in play groups best suited for them. Yes, some dogs can play with any dog, but some need to play with smaller dogs, larger dogs, dogs their same size, dogs smaller than them, dogs bigger than them, or only with dogs whose names start with F (we’re making that one up, but you get the idea). In addition to our three large play areas (Savannah, Prairie and Meadow) we also have rollup doors that allow us to divide the Meadow into sections at a push of a button. All of this means that we can create playgroups based on the needs of the dogs on any given day. Check out our latest video about play groups to learn more
We know that having a lot of play space for the number of dogs we care for means that our density (dogs per square foot of play space) is a lot lower than other pet care facilities. We also understand that this means that we might bring in less money than other pet care facilities that pack dogs into smaller places. Frankly, we’re ok with this trade off because we think it means that our play areas and play groups are better for your dog.
Thanks for reading.

Looking for the perfect doggie daycare facility for your dog? We can help. There are lots of great pet care facilities in San Francisco – check if Pet Camp is the right one for your dog! Give us a call at 415.282.0700 or learn more about Pet Camp’s Doggie Daycare services via

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