Dog Flu & Pet Camp CIV Shot Clinic

As most of you already know, the dog flu (just like the human flu) has hit the Bay Area. For several years we debated the pros and cons of requiring the CIV (dog flu) vaccine, but given the proximity of the most recent outbreak we think it is time to add the CIV vaccine to our list of required vaccines. We understand that getting your dog to the veterinarian twice (the vaccine requires 2 shots 3 weeks apart) can be cumbersome, so this vaccine will not be required until March 15, 2018. But of course, the sooner your dog gets the vaccine the sooner your dog will be protected.

To make protecting your dog’s health even easier, we’ll be hosting a CIV shot clinic tomorrow Tuesday, February 6th with the booster offered on Tuesday, February 27th. You can sign up for the shot clinic here. This cost is only $100 AND when you complete the booster we’ll give you a $25 Pet Camp gift card, making the final price only $75. Of course, we understand if you want to get the vaccine at your regular veterinarian. Please just have your veterinary hospital send us the records so we can update our file. If your veterinarian does not have the CIV vaccine, we’ve reached out to every veterinary clinic in San Francisco and have a list of which hospitals now offer the CIV (dog flu) vaccine. Give us a call and we’ll share our list with you

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