Bruno Week 7 – Adopt Your Dog Now

This is our 7th week with Bruno – the time has flown and it’s sad to think we only have 1 week left with him.

On Monday we took Bruno to see Dr. Gebhard at Nor Cal Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital for check on how things were progressing.  While it was way cool to see her underwater treadmill and cavaletti poles (we didn’t know what they were either until we saw them), the best thing was watching her do all sorts of range of motion and stretching exercises with Bruno and confirm that everything is GREAT!  He has complete range of motion and is in no pain.  This is simply awesome news!

She recommended we add some new things to his rehab routine but they are all things that he could do at your home (hint-hint) just as well as he can do here.  It’s simple stuff like walking up and down a curb (like he would need to do while walking with you to get coffee on Sunday morning), walking upstairs (like he would need to do when trotting after you to go to bed at night), going from sit to stand (like he would need to do when you got him to sit before giving him a treat or meeting a new friend), and dog socialization (like he would need to do when meeting your human  friends or new dog friends at the dog park of your choice)!  Come on – these are super easy things for you to do!  We’ve already done all the hard work – now he just needs someone to love him at their home!

Now I want to be fair, a few folks have met Bruno and while Bruno was super cool, some of the dogs of these folks were less enamored with Bruno.  Now while personally I’m not a big believer in the love at first sight and think and given time dogs socialize and work it out – perhaps it just wasn’t meant to be with these families.  But that just means there’s still time for you to meet Bruno.

Don’t take our word for it – check out these pictures of Bruno’s very first day of dog socialization.  That’s right – this is day one!  Just imagine how amazing he’ll be by the end of next week when he leaves Pet Camp.  This really is an amazing dog and you would be very-very lucky to add him to your house.

Thanks for reading!

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