Whole Foods Markets: Not So Conscious Capitalism

Here in San Francisco, Whole Foods Markets are popping everywhere.  Whole Foods prides itself on selling healthy food and practicing Conscious Capitalism, ideals that San Franciscans love.  Well while Whole Foods might have convinced San Francisco’s consumers about their stellar practices, they haven’t convinced the folks at the California Department of Pesticide Regulation who recently sued the company for selling specialty pet products containing pesticides without the proper registration. There are four products in question: Enviroman Bugs R Done insect spray, 365 Natural Pine Pellets cat litter, Purely Botanical cat flea spray and Purely Botanical dog flea spray.

California state law requires that all products containing pesticides be registered with the state so that they can be tested for safety and approved for safe use. In response to the lawsuit, Whole Foods responded that the specialty pet products “have not yet been determined to be pesticides.” Frankly, we’re not convinced that this is a response that demonstrates conscious capitalism. At least one of these products is registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (granted, at the lowest risk level).  Generally, if a manufacturer claims its products kills bugs, it is considered a pesticide and let the testing and regulation begin.

To all of us at Pet Camp, it seems like the more conscious course of action might have been to check if these specialty pet products were effective and safe for pets before selling them.  What do you think?

Thanks for reading!

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