Trust A Local Business

Last month a story broke about a former Olympian who had a hired a dog sitter via an app and came home to find his dog locked in a room, two shirtless men hanging about, some personal lubricant and a video camera. In case you missed the story the first time around you can check it out here.
We don’t usually call out competitors, but we think it’s important that pet parents know the difference between working with a Local Pet Boarding business and hiring someone through an app. Sure, an app is great – it’s fast, it’s convenient, heck maybe even one day Pet Camp will have an app. But there is a big difference between a company that can develop a really cool app and a company that can provide amazing pet care. We hope you choose Pet Camp for your pet care, but if you don’t, please use another local business and make sure you know who is really taking care of your pet!

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