STEM Program at Pet Camp

STEM programs are all the rage today. Everywhere you go you hear about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). Well, as much as we try to avoid jumping onto bandwagons, we have to admit that Pet Camp now has an official STEM program too!

We thought about implementing a traditional STEM program at Pet Camp, but really, how much of that stuff do you think we can get done between play groups, swim parties and eating homemade treats?  So instead we came up with our own STEM program: Sit-Treat-Eat-More. That’s right, our Camper Cadet dog training program now incorporates STEM training too. We’ve always believed in only using positive reinforcement dog training to teach good urban manners (sit, down, leave it, look at me, and walking nicely on a lead), and amazingly we can get this done in 5 days! But with our STEM program not only will your dog be able to hang out while you get your organic-locally sourced-free trade-artisanal-individual drip cup of coffee in trendy Hayes Valley here in San Francisco, but upon graduation from Pet Camp’s dog training with STEM your dog will be on the fast track to getting into MIT, Cal Poly and who knows where else.  Heck, our STEM program might open more doors then graduating from Lowell High School (sorry if only San Franciscans understand this reference)!

Thanks for reading.

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