Pet Friendly Hotels – Not Always So Pet Friendly

I get the idea of traveling with your dog sounds like fun. There were a few years that I took Splash with me on every trip to Lake Tahoe – she was great in the car and loved the chance to sleep in the bed at the cheap (and I do mean cheap) hotel we stayed at. Now that road trips are back in vogue, it’s worth noting that some hotels (ok, nicer hotels) that claim to be pet friendly really aren’t.

“Pet-Friendly” Hotel VS Pet Camp

Here’s a quick comparison of a nice hotel within a few hours’ drive of San Francisco and Pet Camp.

So, as much as there’s some initial appeal of heading down the coast to stay at some swank hotel with your pet, almost all the swanky stuff is off limits to your pet. The stuff you want to do for fun – sit outside with an adult beverage, take a walk along the beach, maybe a round of golf (no idea why that’s called fun) –  are all things your pet isn’t allowed to do!  Now, before you think it’s just us at Pet Camp who feel this way – check out what Smart Pet Parent is saying about “pet friendly” hotels.

What Is The Best Pet-Friendly Place In San Francisco

Need a better weekend get away idea? You go to the swanky hotel and your camper goes to Pet Camp’s Main Campground or Cat Safari where all the fun stuff is designed for and around your pet. Come Sunday night, you’ll both be more relaxed, happier, and have a break from this never ending Covid-19 Groundhog Day.

Pet Camp is the best pet-friendly place in San Francisco, so if you’re trying to find a pet-friendly accommodation, don’t waste your time – send your pet to Pet Camp.

Pet Camp is proud to be the San Francisco Bay Area’s most award winning pet care facility.  If you are San Francisco Bay Area pet parent with questions about overnight care for your dog or cat, doggie day care, pet transportation, dog training or pet transportation, give us a call. New campers get 50% off their 1st 3 days.

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