Pet Camp is "Open To All"

Pet Camp recently signed the OPEN TO ALL pledge and signed up to get our window decals (without the yelp marketing component).  For those of you who don’t know, businesses that sign the OPEN TO ALL pledge commit to:

  • Maintain a welcoming and safe environment for people – including employees, visitors, customers, vendors and clients – regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion or disability.
  • Not discriminate against any individuals or deny them goods or services based on any of these characteristics, and to provide goods and services to everyone on the same terms.

Of course Pet Camp is proud to be OPEN TO ALL, with or without a pledge and window decals.  I have to admit that after living in San Francisco for over 30 years, running a small business here for over 20 years, and raising 4 kids in our City by the Bay, it’s hard to imagine NOT being OPEN TO ALL!  

Pet Camp is proud to be a member of the San Francisco small business community that supports the rights of all people to be who they are while at work and while being consumers.  
We understand that reasonable people can differ about many things, but at least to us, it is not reasonable to discriminate against anyone simply because of who they are.  
Please support Pet Camp and all the other businesses, especially small businesses, that are committed to serving the entire community in which they operate and by having a workforce the reflects the amazing diversity of the communities in which we live and work.

Pet Camp has been OPEN TO ALL for over 20 years!  We are proud to be the most award winning pet care facility in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you’re a new pet parent or new to San Francisco and need doggie day care, overnight care for your dog or cat, dog training, bathing or pet transportation give us a call.

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