Going Green: Turn Dog Waste Into Electricity – Pet Camp

You know the phrase man’s best friend? Well it turns out, dogs could be called earth’s best friend too. Our four legged friends could help us make electricity. One Bay Area green business shows us how it’s already being done. Solar panel on the roof, large energy efficient fans, and composting.
Sounds like we’re talking about an office building but no, we’re talking about pet camp. The owners don’t come here because we’re green. The owners come here, because we give great care to their pets But they find that we’re being green and the added benefits. I’m very aware of the affect of certain things in the environment and so, it is important to me that this is a green business.
Probably most interesting thing is, they’re composting a dog waste. Pretty no, but good for the environment, yes. It’s picked up by a utility company that combined it with other green waste then turns into electricity, but you can’t do this at home. You can’t compost dog poop at home.
It has to go to special facility because it’s got such a high protein content. One day this could power the whole building meanwhile, solar panels are just the trick. Before we had our solar, our electricity bill was $25,000 a year, now it’s 9,000 a year. But it’s not just about saving money.
We also hope to be a model for other small businesses and even big businesses in San Francisco. Because if we can do it, anybody can do it.

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