Day Camping Curbside Check In/Out is Here!

To provide social distancing while still expediting the check in/out process for day campers, Pet Camp is now offering curbside service for returning day campers with a reservation.

Curbside Infographic
Monday through Friday, pull up on the Sam Jordan/Galvez side of the building where you will see one of your favorite counselors. The counselor will get your camper from your car, or if it’s better for the counselor’s fingers for you to hand your camper to us (and you know how you are), we’ll ask that you do that, hand the counselor any snacks, get checked off on the handy-dandy low tech clipboard and you’re on your way! No more going into the lobby, no more waiting behind some complicated overnight care check-in; just pull up, we’ll take your camper, and away you go! Don’t worry, you’ll be able to spot where the counselor will be standing.

curbside check in/outAt the end of the day just the opposite will happen. You pull up, we’ll get your camper and belongings, and place him or her in your car or ask that you do that for us and off you go.

Now, before you start thinking “awesome, I can just show up and hand off my dog” there are a few rules.

Rule number one – YOU NEED TO HAVE MADE A DAY CARE RESERVATION TO USE CURBSIDE CHECK IN! To ensure the counselor is ready for your camper, your reservation must be made by 5:00 pm the night before. The counselor will not be able to make a reservation or check your vaccine records. They will be able to add some basic services (like a bath or a ride home on the Pet Camp Express) but they won’t have a computer to access other information about your camper. If you don’t have a reservation you can still drop in for day care, you’ll just need to check in at the lobby like always. So, if curbside service sounds like the way to go, just make a reservation on the Pet Camp mobile app.

Rule number two – CURBSIDE CHECK IN IS ONLY AVAILABLE FROM 7 A.M. TO 8 A.M. AND CURBSIDE CHECK OUT IS ONLY AVAILABLE FROM 6 P.M. TO 7 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. Outside of these hours, you need to check in/out in the lobby.

That’s it! Two simple rules. Who knows, this might just be the start of an entire Pet Camp curbside experience. Will morning coffee be next? Maybe dry cleaning drop off and pick up? How about Friday afternoon margaritas? The list is endless!

Make a Reservation

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