Cat Safari: What’s In a Name?

I was reading a post on Smart Pet Parent (one of my new go to places for information on both being a pet parent and being in the pet care businesses) called “Cat Kennel, Cat Hotel, or Cat Resort: How Are These Pet Facilities Different?.” I’ve never liked the word “kennel” as it brings up the old image of a dog (or cat) in a concrete enclosure – but I’m not sure I really like branding Cat Safari as either a hotel or a resort (at least as how Smart Pet Parent uses those terms) and here’s why.

I completely understand that Smart Pet Parent was trying to create a three-tiered approach to thinking about cat care: the bottom is a kennel, the middle is a hotel, and the top is a resort. The article discusses what a pet parent should expect at each of these levels when it comes to both physical accommodations and staff expertise. Frankly, hands down, Cat Safari is in the resort category.

cat at cat safariWe’ve got all the physical accommodations and more:

  • Massive windows for natural light
  • Cat trees
  • Tower aquariums
  • Wide window sills for napping
  • Club lighting that displays colors and shapes for chasing
  • Safari Solarium

Campy exploring the neighborhood with a cat
We’ve got all the activities:

  • Safari Excursions
  • Pi-cat-so art classes
  • Presidio Stroll
  • Kitty Kindergarten

We’ve got the expertise:

  • Dedicated cat only counselors
  • Continuing education
  • 20 plus year track record of providing amazing care

So, based on this, Cat Safari is clearly a Smart Pet Parent cat resort – but really, we are Pet Camp! We love our campers and want to make their stays amazing – but a resort? Can you really imagine Mark or Campy at a resort? Smart Pet Parent, how about making the highest level of cat care the “Cat Safari” level?
Thanks for reading.

Pet Camp Cat Safari is a cat oasis in the middle of an urban jungle.  If you are San Francisco Bay Area cat parent with questions about overnight care for your cat give us a call. New campers get 50% off their 1st 3 days.

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